Greetings and Welcome to my Blog

Greetings All.
Welcome to Giri Gritzi's blog about her life in a little place called Second-Life. Giri's second life is at times boring, at times very exciting, and unfortunately at times very very hurtful. In the upcoming and continuing posts she hopes to chronicle her life and experiences in her second-life

Giri Gritzi

Giri Gritzi
Giri Gritzi

Just a Word about Second Life

Second Life is a FICTIONAL World that is inhabited by REAL people who come here to escape their First Life.. With that said, what happens in Second Life should at no time ever be considered something at is happening in First Life. While Second Life IS a fictional world composed entirely of photons, bits, bytes and keyboards, it does also contain a few real items. I have found that Second Life contains 3 items that come in from First Life, and are the most fragile, yet important parts of any Avatar and the person whom is behind the keyboard for that Avatar. What I am speaking about are Feelings, Xxxxxxxxxx, and emotions

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Day Nine Report on L-1107 (Laura)

(These daily reports have intentionally left in the Banished ones own words, so everyone will truly know who wrote it, and whos thoughts they are...)

Day 9 I think

I have mixed feelings about bane now.. dont know what iam doing. Today Mistress wanted to give back my hearing iam deaf atm but i did say no Mistress onely wants to make L1107 live alitle bit easyer.. and i ahve been feeling like that iam not wanted around thats has been hard
but its just me noone has told me that iam not wanted around.. I know that Mistress worries about me,That onley shows that she cares alot, and Iam werry happy for that So Thank you Mistress Iam so prode to be youre Bane..

But i keep telling her that iam ok and i can do anoter day, the truth is that i just think iam doing OK iam not sure anymore wird things happends now i get easy upset over nothing, have that stupid feeling that iam not wanted that i knowis totaly wrong but still i have it..

But this day has been good have been speaking to mistress alot and thats keep me going ..

I do realy miss laura now, hope L1107 will be buried soon so that laura can return whit her smile, she will make an nice grave stone for L1107 so that 1107 will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day Eight Report on L-1107 (Laura)

(These daily reports have intentionally left in the Banished ones own words, so everyone will truly know who wrote it, and whos thoughts they are...)

Day 8

Today i dont have much on my mind so i will keep this short.. I have been walking around alone looking at peapol playing and having fun or what ever thay do, dont know what to say ..

anyway iam doing werry well its not easy but its not hard doing nothing hihi, I think i have learnd to live this way now after the "flip out" that i did have every thing has been a litle easyer guess iam accepted what L1107 is and that iam ok whit it

Have an nice day !

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Day Seven Report on L-1107 (Laura)

(These daily reports have intentionally left in the Banished ones own words, so everyone will truly know who wrote it, and whos thoughts they are...)

Day Seven !

Greetings.. I will not say mutch about this day it has been ok and iam feeling better guess i can say it's ok or something like that, its not mutch i can do as a bane so i dont have so muth on my mind ..

But i will trye to set some words on the paper or the screen about what did happend yesterday..
well iam not sure what did happend,did feel werry bad nothing did help every thing was just bad
guess that i did realize what an bane realy is.. and sometimes i realy hates it think yesterday was oneof that days, today i enjoy it a litle , nothing is realy bad or realy good is in the middle.

I did know that this not was going to be easy, but i dont think i did realize how hard this was going to beas bane L1107 is alone iam just an object noone is supposed to talkto me look at me or anything so it all up to L1107 what she want todo so i guess if i say that the life of L1107 suck big time, I suck too 99% of life bane or not bane is what you make out if youreself .. so i guess i did suck yesterday :)

well i think i did larn a thing or two yesterday, and i thinks and hopes that the next days will be better, and i want to say iam sorry for what did happend it was not fun at all .. but it halps to talk about it..

Monday, December 17, 2007

Giri on Bane

A lot of people want to try to be a BANE, myself included. However, as controller of L-1107 I can easily see how it is affecting her, it is changing her, it is hard. She has been struggling with this for the last several days and I have seen the degradation of her personality as it has happened. If you do think you want to go and be a Isolated Banished person, I strongly and deeply implore you to reconsider, it is a very hard and difficult thing when done correctly.


Day Six Report on L-1107 (Laura)

Today has been very hard on me as controller. I can easily see L-1107 is having difficulties, and have taken measures to help her some. As her Mistress I want to grab her, hold her, and comfort her, but as her controller I cant, she has been sentenced to a period of time, and she will do it. However, I am not cruel, i have made changes to help her, and if i have to I am prepared to end this at the point I think it is becoming harmful, we are not there yet.

(These daily reports have intentionally left in the Banished ones own words, so everyone will truly know who wrote it, and whos thoughts they are...)

Day 6

This day had not been good at all , dont know why . be for i did realy enjoy been banished but something that i dont have words for did happen
this day has been werry bad so bad that Mistress wanted to release me but i did say NO, i dont want to be released not yet.. but iam not sure what is the best thing atm , rigth now i hate been L1107 i can use my safe word ind i will be free .. but if i do it dont think i will be so happy whit my self..

Mistress has done nothing wrong here, iam werry happy about how she has done this and she tryes her best to support me at anytime , but today i dont think i have told her or anyone how i realy feel ..I realy want out but at the same time i dont want out wird ?

My werry good friend Tina do allso have my key, we have been talking OOC about how i feel ,she wants to release me.. know she onely wants the best for me ...

This is hard on me dont knowing what i want, one thing is sure i will NERVER go bane again this is something you do 1 time and remembers for the rest of the life..

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Day Five Report on L-1107 (Laura)

(These daily reports have intentionally left in the Banished ones own words, so everyone will truly know who wrote it, and whos thoughts they are...)

Day 5

This is starting to get to me now.. I get verry easy upset and angry, today I started yelling at my friends and Mistress for nothing, i dont like when this happends and i dont know why it happends, Iam real sorry for what did happend ..

Today i was out walking L-1107 did run in to an old friend one of the first one i got in SL she was shocked to see me like this iam not the girl that is locked longterm .. dont thinks she did like what she did see that did hurt a litle that is an think i have to makeup for when Laura returns ..

but i doing the best i can , just hoping that things did happend to me its getting a litle boring, I miss the leash ,cages and stuff like that been commanded around ..

But as L-1107 i will not ask for things like this, its all up to the famaly what they want todo,

Day Four Report on L-1107 (Laura)

(These daily reports have intentionally left in the Banished ones own words, so everyone will truly know who wrote it, and whos thoughts they are...)

Day 4

Dont know what to say .. I can say it's boring .. do L-1107 get bored ? dont know anymore .. I know things are happening around me but atm i dont understand so mutch of it.

Days are getting harder , i get easy upset over nothing but i dont complane about it , Iam still enjoing this.. but not in the way is started then its was moust fun and a litle scary, but anyway i know i can do it.. iam in lack of words today , i dont have anything on my mind atm ... hope it will be better just hope that , but i dont know what i want and waht will happend, not sure if i care .. the onely thing i know and iam waiting is the day when laura returns, That sweet litle girl ..

Iam not smiling as mutch as usual , how can i smile? .. when noone looks at me talks to me just feeling like an outsider left alone ..

But still doing well, i think , gues i will feel wors every day from now.. I know sweet old laura will be back oneday, that is wat keeping me from not going insane :)..

Well have fun everyone .. L1107 will be back whit an smile

Giri on being Bane

A lot of people want to try to be a BANE, myself included. However, as controller of L-1107 I can easily see how it is affecting her, it is changing her, it is hard. She has been struggling with this for the last several days and I have seen the degradation of her personality as it has happened. If you do think you want to go and be a Isolated Banished person, I strongly and deeply implore you to reconsider, it is a very hard and difficult thing when done correctly.
